You may have heard of The FIXD device as being known as the “Car Repair Sensor That’s Saving People $1000s” or the HUM device known for a “quick diagnostic”. But do these pocket-sized plugins truly diagnose your vehicle? Both tools are great informational tools that can give you the code or codes that your vehicle computer sees when you are having performance issues or if one of your dashboard lights turns on. These codes are not a diagnosis, they are a starting point that points you in a direction to work towards an actual diagnosis. Diagnosing a vehicle properly requires running tests and following the steps listed below:

Identify and Solve the Problem

  1. Scan for diagnostic trouble codes and record with all data that is in the freeze-frame. This identifies the driving conditions for when the code is being sent.
  2. Perform pinpoint testing of all components in the system of concern.
  3. Test modules, wiring, power, and grounds in the system of concern.
  4. Analyze the testing results against the data from the engine’s computer.
  5. Test theory based on results to determine the actual cause.
  6. Make recommendations for repair.
  7. After repair retest the system(s) to verify full functionality.

Providing Information is Different than Testing

The FIXD and HUM devices do not run any tests. They simply give you the code, and a small explanation of the code and what type of repair you may be looking at.  While this information is great to have and helps you to determine perhaps with research how serious the issue may be, it is not a true and accurate diagnosis. Guessing at a repair and replacing the most probable part failure, without proper testing will cost a lot more than a proper diagnosis and repair!

For example, you could have an exhaust leak and it can cause a lean condition diagnostic trouble code, or it can cause oxygen sensor codes because they both are accurately reporting a lean condition due to the exhaust leak. Once the exhaust leak is fixed it could take care of all of the above-mentioned conditions.  But this device would most likely recommend replacing your oxygen sensors, and some of the newer cars have as many as 8 oxygen sensors.

A Proper Diagnosis Could Save You Time and Money

When there is an issue with your vehicle, properly diagnosing it will always be more accurate and less stressful than “diagnosing” it with a pocket-sized device and playing the guessing game. Get your diagnostic right the first time by bringing your vehicle down to Luke’s Auto Service in Verona, NJ, and having one of our trusted technicians diagnosing it and making the proper recommendations! 

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