With summer winding down and college starting up, it is very important to make sure that not only you, but your car is ready for that stressful transition.  By scheduling an appointment at Luke’s Auto Service in Verona, New Jersey, our technicians will ensure that your car is ready to be sent off to college.  Saying that tough goodbye to your child for the school year will be that much easier knowing your vehicle is well-maintained.  Follow these 5 steps to assure a safe travel not only to school, but also during the school year:

1. Get an overall inspection of your vehicle: Once classes start, students are extremely busy and car care is not a top priority. Be sure to schedule an overall inspection of your vehicle including an oil change, topping off all fluids, checking the tire pressure, and making sure your car is ready to make the trip safely.

2. Prepare an emergency kit: In case of a road side emergency, your child should be prepared and well equipped with an emergency kit.  The kit should include a first aid kit, jumper cables, a flashlight, batteries, water, non-perishable snacks, and a portable USB charger.  Depending on the weather, also pack an ice scraper, small shovel, and snow brush in the trunk!  Lastly, make sure your child knows who to contact for roadside assistance before they depart to college.

3. Ensure your spare tire is in good condition: The first step is to check if your car comes with a spare.  This tire can be hard to find as it can be in the trunk or even under the car. Before they leave, check the tire pressure of the spare and make sure it has air.  Next, look at the manufacture date, if the date is over 10 years, please replace it. You may not think tires expire, but ideally, they should not be used 10 years after the manufacture date.  Lastly, check the thread depth.  The easiest way to do this is the penny test.  Insert a penny into the tire’s thread groove with Lincoln’s head upside down and facing you.  If you can still see all of Lincoln’s head, your thread depth is less than 2/32 inch and it is time to replace that spare!

4. Check your windshield wipers: Windshield wipers are vital in keeping you safe in bad weather.  Before sending your car to college, make sure they are in good working condition.  Some ways to tell if your windshield wipers need to be replaced are, if they are leaving streaks, if the rubber is falling off, if you head a chattering sound, or if you notice a bent frame or blade. If you see any of these problems, schedule an appointment and we can get that squared away for you!

5. Inspect all lights: Accidents often occur when the vehicle’s lights are not used or broken when they are supposed to be on.  Be sure to check your vehicle’s headlights, high beams, tail lights brake lights, reverse lights, blinkers, daytime running lights, and even dashboard warning lights. To do this, start your car and turn each of your lights on separately. Have someone stand outside to make sure all the lights are working properly. If you notice a dashboard warning of any kind, head down to Luke’s’ Auto Service in Essex County, and we can check your dashboard warning lights or any of the other lights discussed.

Sending your car to college will be that much simpler knowing that you have done all the steps to assure your child has a safe travel.  Be sure to call Luke’s Auto Service in Verona, New Jersey and we will get your vehicle ready for the big transition.

Photo credit: Image via OnStar

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