You may have heard recently that catalytic converter theft is becoming more common. Thieves can steal catalytic converters in just a matter of a minute or two, even faster if you have a lifted car or truck. This raises questions such as “what is a catalytic converter and why are people stealing them from under cars?” In this article, we will explain what a catalytic converter is, why they are being stolen, and how to keep yours safe!

What is a Catalytic Converter?

A catalytic converter is an important part of your vehicle’s exhaust system and is composed of rare metals. Its purpose is to keep harmful pollutants from entering the atmosphere by passing hot exhaust gases through these rare metals. Chemical reactions convert some of the harmful gases into harmless gases. They are extremely important for reducing air pollution as, without it, large amounts of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons would be released into the air.

Depending on how often you drive your vehicle, a catalytic converter can last about 10 years. It is easy to locate as it is just under your vehicle bolted to your exhaust system which is part of the problem.

Why Are Thieves Stealing Catalytic Converters?

The #1 reason catalytic converters are prone to get stolen is that the metals that they are made of are extremely valuable! They contain precious metals such as platinum, palladium, or rhodium. With metal prices on the rise, people are paying around $800-$2,000 for them depending on the metal!

How to Know if Your Catalytic Converter has Been Stolen?

A catalytic converter can be removed in a matter of just a few minutes depending on the car and if it is lifted or not. Visually, since it sits under your car, you will not be able to tell if it was stolen at a glance, however, once you start your vehicle, it will be obvious something is wrong. Your car will make an extremely loud sound as soon as it is started, only getting worse as you push on the gas. Many described this sound as similar to a NASCAR racer! Once you hear this sound, do not drive as your vehicle will make sputtering noises. If you are able to look under your car, you might see either bolts missing or two pipes of your exhaust missing. If you’re lucky they’ll just cut the converters off, if they’re messy about it they cut wires and the harness going to it (pictured below).

Our daughter’s friend’s Prius after being a target for a catalytic converter theft

Unfortunately, stealing a catalytic converter is very easy to do. Thieves will usually slide underneath a car with a battery-powered saw and cut it right out of the exhaust line.

Is Your Vehicle a Target?

Thieves want to be able to get it and get away fast to not get caught. For this reason, SUVs and raised vehicles are more appealing than a car that sits lower to the ground. Newer vehicles are more at risk than older ones, too. This is because those valuable metals inside the catalytic converter can deteriorate. Lastly, hybrid vehicles are more susceptible because they run cleaner, therefore there is less corrosion inside the catalytic converters. Hybrids have lower emissions than purely gasoline-powered cars. So the metals in their catalytic converters tend to last longer. A Toyota Prius is the number one target for catalytic converter theft because the amount of money the thieves can get for those specific metals is extremely high!

How Can You Prevent the Theft of Your Catalytic Converter?

Take these steps necessary to try to ward off thieves:
1. Park your vehicle inside your garage when you are at home and otherwise park in well-lit areas or areas with cameras.
2. Engrave your vehicle’s VIN # on your catalytic converter as a scrap yard dealer might notice and realize it’s stolen (Some owners are even having the converters painted a bright color — using high-temperature paints — that can signal when it may have been stolen)
3. Consider installing cameras or motion-detecting spotlights toward your driveway at home
4. Calibrate your car’s alarm so that is more sensitive to vibrations

In the meantime, authorities are cracking down on suspicious scrap metal dealers and most auto insurance policies will cover the cost to replace your catalytic converter.

Overall, the public is really the best way to stop these criminals. If you see something, say something. Don’t approach people you suspect are committing the crime. Call the police from a safe distance. It never hurts for an officer to come by and check out a situation. Be sure to share this information with your neighbors, friends, and family! If you find yourself in a situation that requires a repair, know that you can always trust our certified mechanics at Luke’s Auto Service to get your car up and running again!

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